Essential Stretches: Standing Side Stretch

Essential Stretches: Standing Side Stretch The standing side stretch is a great movement for increasing the mobility of your hips and core muscles.

Essential Stretches: Standing Quad Stretch

Essential Stretches: Standing Quad Stretch The standing quad stretch is perfect for relaxing and loosening the muscles at the back of your legs.

Essential Stretches: Swan Stretch

Essential Stretches: Swan Stretch The swan stretch is an effective yoga pose that helps to open up your quadriceps and hip flexors.

Essential Stretches: Standing Wall Calf Stretch

Essential Stretches: Standing Wall Calf Stretch The standing wall calf stretch does exactly as the name suggests and makes your calves more flexible and supple.

Essential Stretches: Standing Tricep Stretch

Essential Stretches: Standing Tricep Stretch The standing tricep stretch is one of the best exercises for improving the range of motion in the tricep muscles at the back of your arms.

Essential Stretches: Bridge Stretch

Essential Stretches: Bridge Stretch The bridge stretch is a brilliant exercise for improving the range of motion in your lower back, and preventing back pain and stiffness.

Essential Stretches: Seated Trunk Twist

Essential Stretches: Seated Trunk Twist The seated trunk twist is an amazing exercise for increasing the flexibility and mobility of the central area of your body.

Essential Stretches: Seated Hamstring Stretch

Essential Stretches: Seated Hamstring Stretch The seated hamstring stretch is a great exercise for loosening your hamstrings and hips.

Essential Stretches: Fold Over Stretch

Essential Stretches: Fold Over Stretch The fold over stretch is a full body flexibility exercises that enhances the mobility of your legs, shoulders and back.

Essential Stretches: Butterfly Stretch

Essential Stretches: Butterfly Stretch The butterfly stretch opens up your hips and thighs and is a fantastic movement for boosting the flexibility of your lower body.

HIIT Core Workout: Reverse Crunches

HIIT Core Workout: Reverse Crunches Reverse crunches do exactly as the name suggests and reverse the traditional crunch movement to create a challenging core exercise.

HIIT Core Workout: Windshield Wipers

HIIT Core Workout: Windshield Wipers Windshield wipers are a twisting core movement that target all the muscles in your midsection.

HIIT Core Workout: Flutter Kicks

HIIT Core Workout: Flutter Kicks Flutter kicks are a fun, fast paced core exercise.

HIIT Core Workout: Lying Twisting Windmills

HIIT Core Workout: Lying Twisting Windmills Lying twisting windmills are another great exercise for your lower abs that involve twisting your legs from side to side while holding your upper body in a fixed position.

HIIT Core Workout: Lying Leg Raises

HIIT Core Workout: Lying Leg Raises Lying leg raises target your lower abdominal muscles.

HIIT Core Workout: Twisting Crunches

HIIT Core Workout: Twisting Crunches Twisting crunches are performed in the exact same way as regular crunches except they involve rotating your body as you crunch your core muscles.

HIIT Core Workout: V Sit Hold

HIIT Core Workout: V Sit Hold The v sit hold is a simple looking but very challenging core exercise.

HIIT Core Workout: Bicycle Crunches

HIIT Core Workout: Bicycle Crunches Bicycle crunches are similar to regular crunches but involve moving your legs in a cycling motion as you crunch your core muscles.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Flutter Kicks

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Flutter Kicks Flutter kicks are an incredibly challenging core exercise that will give you abs of steel.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Tabata Stationary Sprints

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Tabata Stationary Sprints Tabata stationary sprints involve sprinting on the spot at maximum intensity for 20 seconds and then resting for 10 seconds.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Jump Rope

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Jump Rope Jump rope is a simple but efficient cardio exercise that blasts through calories and gives you a great full body workout.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Lunge Kicks

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Lunge Kicks Lunge kicks improve your core stability and get the blood flowing in your legs.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Jumping Lunges

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Jumping Lunges Jumping lunges are a fast moving alternative to regular lunges which blast through calories and strengthen your lower body.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: 180 Jump Squats

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: 180 Jump Squats 180 jump squats are another fun variation of regular squats that boosts your balance, coordination and leg strength.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Squat Jacks

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Squat Jacks Squat jacks are a high powered variation of regular squats that give you a great cardio workout while also building lower body strength.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Plank Jacks

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Plank Jacks Plank jacks add a cardio twist to regular planks while also giving your core muscles a grueling workout.

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Push Ups

HIIT Bodyweight Workout: Push Ups Push ups are a great bodyweight exercise for strengthening the muscles in your arms, back, chest and shoulders.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Dumbbell Renegade Row

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Dumbbell Renegade Row The dumbbell renegade row is a top exercise for your abs and lower back.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Dumbbell Squat

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Dumbbell Squat The dumbbell squat is one of the most effective lower body exercises out there.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press The seated dumbbell shoulder press is a fantastic compound exercise that primarily targets your shoulders while also working your chest and arms.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Alternating Arm Dumbbell Bicep Curl

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Alternating Arm Dumbbell Bicep Curl The alternating arm dumbbell bicep curl is a popular exercise that specifically targets your bicep muscles.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Standing Dumbbell Bent Over Row

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Standing Dumbbell Bent Over Row The dumbbell bent over row works your upper back along with your arms and forearms.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Standing Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Standing Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension The standing dumbbell overhead tricep extension tones and strengthens your tricep muscles.

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Dumbbell Chest Press

HIIT Dumbbell Workout: Dumbbell Chest Press The dumbbell chest press builds up your chest, shoulders and triceps.

HIIT Exercise: Lunge Kicks

HIIT Exercise: Lunge Kicks Lunge kicks enhance your flexibility, boost your cardiovascular fitness and tone up your lower body.

HIIT Exercise: 180 Jump Squats

HIIT Exercise: 180 Jump Squats 180 jump squats are a fun, challenging exercise that combine squatting, jumping and twisting in one fluid motion.

HIIT Exercise: Punches

HIIT Exercise: Punches Punches are a simple but effective exercise that engage your upper body and get you fighting fit.

HIIT Exercise: Jump Rope

HIIT Exercise: Jump Rope Jump rope is a fantastic cardio exercise that burns fat and tones your legs.

HIIT Exercise: Bicycle Crunches

HIIT Exercise: Bicycle Crunches Bicycle crunches are a top exercise for tightening and toning your abs.

HIIT Exercise: Plank Jacks

HIIT Exercise: Plank Jacks Plank jacks are a fast paced variation on regular planks that involve hopping your legs in and out.

HIIT Exercise: Skaters

HIIT Exercise: Skaters Skaters are a great lower body exercise that improve your balance, coordination and reflexes.

HIIT Exercise: Jumping Lunges

HIIT Exercise: Jumping Lunges Jumping lunges are a fast paced variation of regularly lunges which can be used to fire up your cardiovascular fitness.

Ab Exercise: Star Sit Ups

Ab Exercise: Star Sit Ups Star sit ups are a fun and effective exercise that work all the muscles in your core. As the name suggests, this exercise is performed by placing your body in a star position.

Ab Exercise: Seated Leg Lift

Ab Exercise: Seated Leg Lift The seated leg lift is a fantastic exercise for the lower abs.

Ab Exercise: Seated Knee Raise

Ab Exercise: Seated Knee Raise The seated knee raise is a deceptively simple ab exercise that can be done while sitting in a chair.

Ab Exercise: Rowboat

Ab Exercise: Rowboat The rowboat is a brilliant exercise which really helps to sculpt those six pack abs. It also boosts your balance and core stability.

Ab Exercise: Plank With Shoulder Touch

Ab Exercise: Plank With Shoulder Touch The plank with shoulder touch adds an extra level of intensity to this highly effective core movement.

Ab Exercise: Plank To Push Up

Ab Exercise: Plank To Push Up The plank to push up combines two of the most effective bodyweight exercises. The plank element helps to tighten your abs while the push up element develops your upper body strength at the same time.

Ab Exercise: Plank Roll

Ab Exercise: Plank Roll The plank roll is a great core exercise that also works your hips and outer thighs.

Ab Exercise: Double Leg Circles

Ab Exercise: Double Leg Circles Double leg circles are a stationary ab exercise that targets all your core muscles.

Ab Exercise: Cross Body Mountain Climbers

Ab Exercise: Cross Body Mountain Climbers The cross body mountain climber is similar to the regular mountain climber except your opposite elbows and knees together during the movement. It brings all your main core muscles into play and is great for developing strength and tone in your abs.

Ab Exercise: Body Saw

Ab Exercise: Body Saw The body saw is a powerful core movement that’s very similar to the plank. The added motion makes it perfect for targeting and sculpting all your ab muscles.